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The Archangel has honored Mary with the words: ‘Hail, full of grace, The Lord is with thee…’ (Lk 1:26).

Mary has been a unique person in the eyes of God. There is no one and there will NEVER be anyone like Her in the future.

The Bible always favors Mary; ‘The Angel said, unto her, fear not Mary, for you have found favor with God’ (Lk 1:30). Elisabeth filled with the Holy Spirit praised Mary with the words: ‘Blessed are you among women…'(Lk 1:42). Mary in her ‘Magnificat’ has proclaimed: ‘for, behold, all generations will call me blessed’ (Lk 1:48).

In the Book of Revelation, John describes Mary as a woman clothed with the sun (Rev 12:1- 18). Mary is simply unique, exceptional among the whole of creation. Christ the only Son of Mary has exalted His mother beyond all imagination. It is natural for a loving son to honor his mother. It is exactly what happens between Jesus and His Mother Mary. God’s Law says “ Honor your mother and your father ‘(Ex 20:12). Jesus loves His Father with perfect love and He loves His Mother in the most excellent way.

John the Apostle has brought it to our attention while writing about a woman in heaven clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and the crown of twelve stars around her head (Rev 12:1-18).

Anyone who truly loves Jesus and wants to follow Him honestly, will definitely love His mother Mary as well. There is a common saying: Where Jesus is, there Mary is also. We can’t love Jesus honestly and at the same time reject Mary, His dear Mother.

On the other hand we have to be aware also of the archenemy of Mary, satan who hates that very humble Jewish girl, Mary chosen by God to become the Mother His Son. Satan’s pride can’t stand anything which reminds him about Mary. For example, he can’t stand the rosary, statues of Mary, pictures of Mary…. Let us be aware of the fact: where Mary is, satan cannot enter there.

A very famous American theologian, Scott Hahn describes it in the following words: “ when satan hears somebody praying the Angelic exaltation: ‘ Hail Mary full of grace…’, he plugs his ears and runs away to the last corner of Hell’.

Speaking from the cross to John; ‘This is your Mother’ (Jn 19:26-27), Jesus gave us Mary as our Mother. We are now her adopted children.

By giving birth to Jesus in Bethlehem, Mary gave Him to all people. Now her task is different. She wants to bring all people to Jesus. Let us entrust ourselves to Mary with full confidence. She will show us the best way to follow Jesus. Christ is our ultimate goal. Let us always remember our way is: Through Mary to Jesus.


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