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Some  Bible  only believers worship God on the Sabbath day (Saturday) because - as they think - the first Christians did so.

First of all, the historical proof is completely different from what they say. The History shows that The Seven Day Adventists (The Sabbath -Saturday keepers) have been founded by Ellen G. White in the year 1843 in America and it was she who began to preach that believers must worship God on the seventh day of the week (on Saturday), as the Israelites did before                     (Ex 20:1-2  ; 31:16-17).                                                                                                            According to SDA's members, the first Christians worshiped God on Saturday (Sabbath). Such a statement however is without any proof. There is not a single quotation in the Bible which says they did so.

After Christ's Resurrection, the Apostles became  workers of a New Covenant (2 Cor 3:6). Right from the beginning - from the time of the Apostles - Christians kept honoring God on the first day of the week - on Sunday. The day of the worship will not be change. It will continue in the same way until Christ's Second Coming at the end of the times.                     

It is good to know,  there is not a single quotation in the Bible which shows that after Christ's Resurrection, Jesus Himself or His disciples asked Christians  to keep holy the seventh day (the Old Testament Sabbath).


Although the Acts of the Apostles says about Paul and Barnabas going to Synagogues on the Sabbath days (Saturdays), they went there simply in order to PREACH the Good News to the Jews, not to worship (Acts 17:2-3 ; 18:4-8 ; 18:19 ; 19:8 ).                                                                                                              The Apostles knew, God had finished with the Jewish Sabbath already (Hos 2:13; Heb 7:22; 8:7-13). Paul calls the Sabbath only a shadow (Col 2:16-17).     The First Christian, the followers of the New Covenant celebrated the Holy Eucharist (Breaking the Bread) on the first day of the week – on Sunday     (Act 20:7), which is called the Lord's Day.                                                                  Sunday has taken place of the Jewish Sabbath (Saturday).

This unbroken tradition continues through the centuries until the present day. The Apostles and the ones who followed their teachings (the Apostolic Fathers) kept Sunday as the day to worship God. They  kept Sunday to celebrate the Eucharist (to break the bread, as it had  been called at that time), the day which became the commemoration of Christ’s Resurrection from the death, the day of life and light.

In an early Christian writing called the Didache (70 AD) it is written:

" By every Lord’s Day…gather yourselves together and break bread, and give thanksgiving after having confessed your transgressions, that your sacrifice may be pure" (The Didache 14, 1).

The Apostolic Father Saint Ignatius (died in 164 A.D.) said the same words:

"Those who lived according to old order of things have come to a new hope, no longer keeping the Sabbath, but the Lord’s Day in which our life is blessed by him and his death" ( Letter to Magnesians ,8).

Another Apostolic Father a man who followed the Apostles, Saint Justin     (died in 165 A.D.) wrote:

" Sunday is the day on which we all hold our common assembly, because it is the first day on which God having brought a change in the darkness and matter, made the world, and Jesus our Savior on the same day rose from the dead" ( First Apology 67).

For those who believe in Christ to be True God, as Jesus has stated it about Himself: "The Father and I are one" (Jn 10:30), is very easy to accept that Christ, as true God can establish, and in fact has established the New Covenant.

 It is easy to accept that Jesus - true God, came to fulfill the Law (Mt 5:17), and as a rsult of it, Sunday has taken place (has fulfilled) the  Old Testament Sabbath. GOD HAS THE POWER TO DO IT.                                                        On the other hand those who don't believe Christ to be true God (like SDA's or Jehovah Witness' the Mormons), will never accept these teachings coming to us from the New Testament Bible and the teaching of The Apostolic Fathers.


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Can the Jewish Sabbath be fulfilled? Can it be improved by Jesus Christ, the Son of God ?                                                                                                                  The members of SDA denomination say it can’t be done, it can’t be changed. According to them the law of the Sabbath (Ex 20:8) must be kept as it is.

In fact the truth is quite opposite. The two stone tables, written by the finger of God on (Ex 20:1-20) consists of two parts : which are named by the inspired writer the LAW(the Torah)*1, and the other is called the COMMANDMENTS *2.

Here there is the important text: “Now the Lord said to Moses, “Come up to Me on the mountain and remain there, and I will give you the stone tablets with the law (the Torah) and the commandments which I have written for their instruction.” (Ex 24:12).

The LAW (the Torah) written by God on the tablets stone has been fulfilled later on by the Messiah. The COMMANDMENTS on the other hand are unchangeable, they have been written by God on every human heart. The conscience of every human being tells that we must not kill, we must not steal, we must not commit adultery…

 A young man came to Jesus with a question: ‘Master, what good deeds I must do to possess eternal life?’ Jesus didn’t say keep the Law  (the Torah). He didn't say keep the Sabbath and you will possess eternal life.   Had the Sabbath been so important, Jesus definitely would have told him: follow the Sabbath, but he didn’t. Instead He replayed,’ if you wish to enter into life keep the commandments’ not the Law (the Torah)  but the Commandments.  The young man asked which ones. In reply Jesus told him:’ you shall not kill. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not give false witness. Honor you father and mother(Mt 19:16-19). By saying it Jesus referred to the second part of the text written on the two stone tablets which are called the commandments (Ex 20:11-17).

Christ’s words: ‘ I didn’t come to abolish the LAW (the Torah) and the prophet but to FULFILL them’ (Mt 5:17) are referring to the whole Law (the Torah) including the Law (the Torah) written on the stone tablets . The Law (the Torah) can be fulfilled and in fact it has been fulfilled by the Messiah, our true God Jesus Christ.

The Sabbath is NOT a part of the commandments written on the stone tablets and on every human hearts like other commandments (you shall not kill, you shall not steal…) but it is a part of the LAW (the Torah).

 From the time of Christ’s Resurrection on the first day of the week on Sunday, Christians (the converts from Judaism) knew that the Sabbath as a part of the Law (the Torah) has been fulfilled already by Christ.                      In the Acts of the Apostles, St. Luke wrote : On the first day of the week the Christians came for the Eucharistic celebration (Ac 20:7).

St. Paul wrote that the Sabbath has lost its power, the Sabbath became only a shadow (Col 2:16-17)

The followers of the Apostles , the Apostolic Fathers like Ignatius, Justin in their writings have made it very obvious that Sunday became the day of worship for  the followers of Christ


 *1 the word ‘nomos, gr. νόμοs in Hebrew ‘ha Torah  וְהַמִּצְוָ֔ה 

 *2 the word ‘entolas, gr. ἐντολαs in Hebrew ‘ha MISWAH’  וְהַתּוֹרָה֙

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                       JESUS THE LORD OF THE SABBATH



Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath (Mk 2:28). He could have broken the Sabbath anytime He wanted and infact He did break the Sabbath many times           (Mk 2:23-28 ; Mk 3:1-6 ; Jn5:8-11). The Jews wanted to kill Jesus because He broke the Sabbath (Jn 5:18).                                                                                  When Jesus was laying in the tomb, He  as the Lord of the Sabbath, could have broken the day of rest  the Sabbath and rise from dead on Saturday. He hasn’t done it, because He wanted to bring across a message that another day (not the Sabbath) would become the Day of the Lord, the Day of Life.                                                                                                                                                       If Jesus had risen from dead on Saturday, it would have been obvious to the first Christians that Saturday became the Lord’s Day, the day of life, the day of worship for them.                                                                                          Thanks be to Christ, He have not risen from the dead on Saturday. By riseing  from the dead on the first day of the week, on Sunday, Jesus has fulfilled the Jewish Law (Mt 5:17).    Sunday has replaced the Jewish Sabbath.                                                                                                                                                                For the first Christians it became obvious, the Sabbath has lost its power (Col 2:16-17). The first Christians kept coming for the Eucharistic celebration (breaking of the bread) on the first day of the week - on Sunday (Ap 20:7). It stays that way unchanged in the Church for more than 2000 years.

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    SUNDAY-the day of Christ's RESURRECTION


God has made a Covenant with the Israelites on Mt. Sinai (Horeb)                 (Dt 5:1-3). The Sabbath was a sign of that Covenant made by God with the Israelites (Ex 31: 16-17). The Israelites (the Jews) were obliged to keep the Sabbath ( Ex 31:12-13).

Are you a Jew? Have you been circumcised? (Gen 17:13:14). In order to feel obliged to keep the Jewish Sabbath you would have to become a Jew, a member of the Jewish religion. You have to be circumcised.                       

Because the Sabbath is for the Jews. God has obliged the Israelites to keep His Covenant, unfortunately they did’t. As a result of it, God became upset with their Sabbaths (Is 1:13) and desired to put an end to it (Hos 2:13).             God decided to make a New Covenant, this time with all people (Is 42:1-7). Jesus Christ in His Blood has made the New Covenant (Mt 26: 27-28 ; Heb 9:15).

The question arises: Are we obliged to keep both Covenants? The old one with its Sabbath and the New one? Of course not. The Old Covenant has already expired (Ga 4:22-31).                                                                                       A New Covenant is better than the Old one (Heb 7:22 ; 8:6-13).                     The Apostles became the workers of a New Covenant  (2 Co 3:6).                 

The Good News of Jesus Christ, the new Mediator (Heb 9:15), the Founder of a New Covenant has to be proclaimed to all people (Mt 28: 19-20).

 Some people got an idea that the first century Christians kept the Jewish Sabbath? They can’t prove it from the Bible, can thay?                                     The Bible says something opposite. The first day of the week (Sunday , the day of Christ resurrection from the dead) was an important day for them, not the seventh (Ac 20:7).                                                                                          Christ has never preached and the Apostles have never preached either about necessity of keeping the Jewish Sabbath.                                           The teaching about obligation to keep  the Jevish Sabbath, came only from Ellen Gould White, the founder of the Seven Day Adventist in the nineteenth century.

It is necesary to know that the Church came first and the Bible (New Testament) came latter. Before the Bible (New Testament) was written the Church kept the TRADITIONS of the Apostles (2Th 2:15 ; 3:6) which say about the first day of the week being kept by the Christians, not the seventh.           It is suggested to read the writings of the first Christians ( Didache, Ignatius. Justin…).


The sabbath keepers and kinling of Jesus

 Some people say: the Romans have killed Jesus. Yes, the pagan Roman soldiers have killed Jesus (Jn 19:23).   The pagan Roman governor - Pilate wanted to set Jesus free (Jn 19:12). The Jews - the Sabbath keepers however put a pressure on Pilate to kill Jesus (Jn 19:14-15). Pilate gave in and ordered to crucify Him (Jn 19:16).                                                                                                St John in his Gospel points out at the Jews (the Sabbath kippers) were the onces  who decided to killed Jesus. Paul confirms it in his First Letter to the Thessalonians (1Th 2:14-15). You can read about it as well in (Ac 4:5-10).

Saint Paul - the Jew, the Pharisee - the Sabbath keeper has converted to Christianity (Ac 9:1-19). He gave up the Old Covenant and became the worker of a New Covenant (2Co 3:6). He rejected the Jewish Sabbath calling it a shadow (Col 2:16-17).                  

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                           The supplement                                           


THE Bible verse (Isaiah 66:23)

 Regarding Isaiah 66:23, we have to look at the original (Hebrew) text: “And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, said the Lord”. 

Isaiah speaks about the new heaven and the new earth (Is 66:22).                     The place where the people live with God is commonly called heaven. (John the Apostle speaks about it as well (Rev 21:1-4).                                                  In chapter 65, Isaiah says more about it. In the new heaven and the new earth, people will be glad, there will be joy there forever (Is 65:1 -18).

In order to express the joy which will be in heaven for ever, Isaiah uses a figurative language to make people understand the message easily.             He says, in new heaven and new earth, people will not die quickly (Is 65:20), women will bore new children (Is 65:23).                                                                That is a figurative language used by the prophet to describe an eternal joy.      Although we know from the New Testament that in heaven there will be no death (Rev 21:4), in heaven people will not get married, they will be like angels (Lu 20: 35-36).                                                                                                 In the same way, in order to describe eternity in heaven, Isaiah uses a figurative language as well, bringing up the expressions known well to the Jews, for example: New Moon, Sabbath.                                                                Writing about worshiping God from New Moon to another New Moon, from one Sabbath to another Sabbath, Isaiah expresses an idea of eternity : in the new heaven and the new earth people will worship God all the time, without end, through all eternity.

In heaven there is no time. In heaven there is eternity.                                            It is important to notice,  Isaiah didn’t write words: ‘on every New Moon , on every Sabbath’.                                                                                                  He knew, in heaven there was no time, there were no years, there were no months, there were no days.                                                                              The Old Testament brings people to the New Testament. The New Testament is the fulfillment of the Old One. Saint Paul, the one who has been caught up to the third heaven (2Cor 12:2-4) knew exactly that in heaven there were no days, that why he calls Sabbath, only a shadow (Col 2:16-17).


The Bible verse (He 4:9)                                                                                        “The Sabbath remains for God’s people”

The SDA members  bring up the verse from the Letter to Hebrews:               ” So then there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God”  (He 4:9)  in oredr to ,prove' the necesity of keeping the Sabbath by all belivers

  As a matter of fact the  quoted text does  not speak about every believer, but it speaks about the Israelites. The Israelites were the chosen people of God and  they were obligated to keep the weekly sabbath in order to enter the eternal rest, an eternal Sabbath. ( Ex 31:16  ; He 4:10).

But since Jesus Christ the true God,  came to the earth, everything has changed.  Jesus true God has fulfilled the Law (Mt 5:17),  has made everything NEW (Rev 21:5).*1.

Jesus  Christ has formed a NEW PEOPLE of GOD (1Pi 2:10)*2.

The New People of God are the ones  who  believe in Jesus - true God and follow Him. The New People of God have been promised to enter  eternal rest, God’s eternal Sabbath in heaven as the Bible says:   ‘We however, who have faith are entering the place of rest’ (He 4:3).                                       

 The Jews – the Sabbath keepers who didn’t have faith in Jesus, the ones who have rejected Jesus as true God, will not enter  the eternal God’s Sabbath (despite keeping their weekly sabbaths) as St Paul stated it in his Letter to the Hebrews: “ and then in My anger I swore they would never enter My rest” (He 3:11, 18 ; 4:4-5).

 Christians, the followers of Christ God, and His true teaching have been promised by Jesus  the eternal life, life without end. He said: ‘It is my Fathers will  that whoever sees the Son and believes in Him has eternal life, and that I should raise that man up on the last day (J 6:40).                                    St Christ Jezus has spoken: Who eats My Body and drinks My Blood has eternal life and I shall raise him up  on the last day   ( Jn 6:54 ; 58).


*1 You can read  as well  2Co 5:17.

 *2 You can read   1Pi 2:6 -10.

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Creation Sabbat

After creation of the universe God has rested on the seventh day (Gn 2:2-3). Some people call it Creation Sabbath. SDA  members insist on the necessity of keeping the  sabbath  (the seventh day of the week ) by all people.  However such interpretation is incorrect.                                                       The Bible says: God has created the universe in six days.  Each day of creation has its beginning and its end (evening and morning). But the seventh day, the day of God’s rest  is different from the other six days. It  has its beginning but has  no end. There is nothing mentioned about evening and morning  like it has been mentioned with the other six days  (Gn 2:2-3). God’s rest in heaven is eternal. It will never end.

 The seventh day Sabbath is not for every person to be kept as SDA members preach. If the  seventh day Sabbath had been meant for everybody, the Bible would have  told us about it openly.                             The Bible shows something different.  It doesn’t say that people like Adam and Eve their sons Kain, and Abel the patriarch Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Noah followed the seventh day sabbath. There is nothing mentioned about it in the Bible, not a word.                                                                                            The law of keeping the sabbath  was mentioned for the first time when God gave to  Moses, the leader of the Jews, the two stone tablets (Ex 20:2-19). The law of keeping the sabbath  has been given to the Israelites: Yahweh than said to Moses: “Speak to the Israelites and say, “ you will keep My Sabbaths properly, for this is the sign between Myself  and you for all generations to come, so that you will know it is I, Yahweh, who sanctify you” (Ex 31:12-13). “The Israelites will keep the Sabbath, observing the Sabbath for all generations to come: this is an eternal covenant. Between Myself and the Israelites , this is a sign for ever…” (Ex 31:16-17).

To insist that the seventh day sabbath was meant by God  for everybody is to impose a human  thinking over the word of God. It is  simply a  misinterpretation of the word of God.

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The Jewish  Law or                                                                       the GOSPEL of  CHRIST

God gave the ten commandments to the Israelites on Mount Sinai (Ex 20: 1-2 ; Ex 31:16-17).                                                                                                                On which bases do SDAs accept Bible as the inspired Word of God ?           Are they Jews? Are they circumcised? (Gen 17:13- 14).                                   They talk about Bible. How do they know that Bible is an inspired word of God?

The truth is, they accept Bible because the Catholic Church did so in the past. The Catholic Church officially announced that the Holy Scripture is the inspired Word of God (Synod in Rome 382 AD).                                           

On one hand the SDA's accept the decision of the Catholic Church regarding the Bible and on the other hand they reject her teaching and fight against the Church. This is inconsistency.

It has to be always kept in our minds that the Bible is not for the private interpretations (2Pe 1:20) as SDA members do.



The Jewish Law has been                                                                       fulfilled by JESUS CHRIST.

In regard to the Creation (Gen 1:1 -2:4).                                                                 Jesus Christ came on earth to make everything new, to make a NEW Creation (Rev 21:5).                                                                                               Saint Paul made it very clear:” So far anyone who is in Christ there is a NEW CREATION: the OLD ORDER IS GONE a new being is there to see             (2Kor 5:17).                                                                                                                    Jesus has come  to fulfill the WHOLE Jewish Law (hebrew - the Torah, greec - nomos, Mt 5:17).  He didnt come  keep it as it is, but to fulfill it.                                                                                                            


A New Covenant established                                                                by Jezus Christ

Jesus being a Jew was in a custom of going to the synagogue to proclaim the Word of God. He was the members of the Old Covenant made by God with the Israelis (Dt 5:1-3). But God has promised to make a new and everlasting Covenant with all people, with all nations:                                           "The days are surely coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah" (Jr 31:31)".        God’s Servant- the Messiah have established a new Covenant: “I have given you as a covenant to the people...". (Is 42:1-7).

After Christ’s Resurrection from the dead (on the first day of the week, on Sunday). The New Covenant has been established.                                              Saint Paul says the Old Covenant was over. In his Letter to the Hebrews he says it more clearly: "...Jesus has also become the guarantee of a better covenant… For if that first covenant had been faultless, there would have been no need to look for a second one…In speaking of “a new covenant”, he has made the first one obsolete. And what is obsolete and growing old will soon disappear" (Heb 7:21-22; 8: 7-13). You can read as well (Gal 4: 21-31).

The Christians are following the New Covenant.                                                   The Apostles became the works of a New Covenant ( 2Cor 3:6).                 Since the Old Covenant lost it power, the Sabbath, the sign of the Old Covenant lost its validity for the Christians as well. Saint Paul - the greatest convert from Judaism to Christianity, says openly the Sabbath became only a shadow (Col 2:16-17).


The Chuch founded by Jezus

What Paul preached was not a human tradition, but the Gospel he received from God Jesus: “Now I want to make it quite clear to you, brothers, about the Gospel that was preached by me, that it was no HUMAN MESSAGE. It was not from any human being that I received it  but it came to me through a revelation of Jesus Christ (Ga 1:11-12).                                                              The Christians, the followers of Jesus, celebrated His Resurrection, as the day of Life on the first Day of the week (on Sunday) (Ac 20 :7).                        To keep Sunday Holy is not a tradition of men, is not a human law as SDAs wrongly preach. That Tradition came straight from the Apostles themselves and is being kept till the present day. Christ has founded His Church -  the pillar and foundation of the truth (Mt 16:18-19).                                                 The Divinely established Church is Christ’s Body. Saint Paul wrote : ”Christ is the Head of the Body, that is, the Church’ (Col 1:18).                                     The leaders of His Church have been ordered by Christ to preach the God News all over the world. Christ didn’t send them to preach the Sabbath, but to preach the Good News (Mt 28:19- 20).                                                               They received from Christ the power to bind and to loose. Jesus told the Apostles - His workers:                                                                                          ’In truth I tell you whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven’ (Mt 18:18). Christ spoke to the Apostles again:’ Anyone who listens to you listens to Me; anyone who rejects you, rejects Me, and those who reject  Me reject the One who sent Me’(Lk 10:16).


Jisas and the Sabbath

From the moment of Christ’s Resurrection, from the moment of establishing the New Covenant, there is not a single word about Christ going to the Synagogue.

By the way, Christ never preached about the necessity of keeping the Sabbath. There is not a single quotation about it. He knew the Sabbath was going to end. Being the Lord of the Sabbath (Mt 12:8), He could break it any time He wanted.  He did break the Sabbaths many times (Mk 2:23-28 ; Mk 3:1-6 ; Jn 5:8-11). The Jews regarded Jesus as a Sabbath breaker.                            The Pharisees (the Sabbath keepers) wanted to kill Jesus because  He brokr the Sabbath (Jn 5:18).                                                                                                 Christ came to make everything new. He didn’t come to promote, to confirm the Jewish Religion, He came to establish His Kingdom.


Jisas Christ - the true God

The Bible proves the Divinity of Jesus :"To them belong the fathers and out of them, so far as physical decent is concerned, came Christ who is above all, God, blessed for ever" (Ro 9:5),

" in Him (Christ), in bodily form, lives Divinity in all its fullness" (Col 2:9).  

Simon Peter, servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who have received a faith as precious as our own, giving through the saving justice of our God and Savior Jesus Christ" (2Pe 1:1).

" but to the Son he says: Your throne, God, is for ever and ever" (He 1:8)

Despite of His clear message, the Pharisees (the Sabbath keepers) has rejected Christ, more, they have killed Him (Ac 2:36 ; 5:27-30 ; 1Te 2:15).    The Pharisees preferred to keep the Sabbath, to keep the Jewish Law, instead of following Christ, the Son of God whom the Father has sent to redeem the whole people.                                                                                                  The SDA's are following in the same footpath as the Pharisees did before, they reject Christ as true God and follow strongly the Law The Sabbath.


The Jewish Law  has lost its power

Saint Paul has written in his Letter to the Romans: ‘The Law (the Torah) has found its fulfillment in Christ’ (Ro 10:4). 

The Bible Says: God has abolished the Jewish Law (the Torah) (Col 2:14-15).

The Law (the Torah) cannot help people any more: “ no human being can be found upright at the tribunal of God by keeping the Law (the Torah)’ (Ro3:20). …a person is justified by faith and not by doing what the Law (the Torah) tells him to do’ (Ro 3: 28).

The Law (the Torah) written on the Stone Tablets kills (2Cor 3:6-7).

Saint Jon states: ‘the Law was given trough Moses, grace and truth came through Jesus Christ ( Jn 1:17).

“ Because it is by grace that you have been saved, through faith; not by anything of your own, but by a gift from God; not by anything that you have done, but by a gift from God” (Ep 2:8)


Faith in Jesus gives eternal life

Jesus said: I am the Way, I am the Truth and the Life’ (Jn 14:6). You can read as well ( Jn 1:14).

Jesus Christ is the true Messiah, the only Son of God (Jn 5: 11-12 ; 1Jn 5:5 , 13),

He is our True God ( Ro 9:5 ; Col 2:9 ; 2Pe 1;1 ; He 1:8).

Our faith in Christ gives us eternal life (Jn 3:15 ; 16).

We are justified by faith in Jesus Christ (Ro 5:1-2).

The true God’s people are obliged to keep Christ’s commandments (Jn 14:15 ;21 ; 15:10 ).

Saint John the Apostles, a great Leader of the Catholic Church wrote :       ‘We are from God; whoever recognizes God listens to us; anyone who is not from God refuses listen to us. This is how we can distinguish the spirit of truth from the spirit of falsehood’( 1Jn 4:6).

John warns Christians from the false prophets:’ My dear friends, not every spirit is to be trusted, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets are at large in the world. This is the proof of the spirit of God: any spirit which acknowledges Jesus Christ came in human nature, is from God and no spirit which fails to acknowledge Jesus is from God; it is the spirit of Antichrist …(1 Jn 4:1-3).

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 The emperor Constantine 

After becoming an emperor, Constantine  continued persecuting Christians as his predecessors did.   After winning the decisive battle at Milvian Bridge over his enemy Maxentius on 28 October 312 AD, Constantine was strongly convinced that the victory he achieved, came with the help of the Christians’ God - Jesus Christ.  From that moment he changed his attitude towards Christians. He stopped persecuting the following of Christ. Constantine allowed Christians to come out of the catacombs (places where  they  were hiding out of fear for being persecuted by the pagan governments).

Constantine wanted to show his  good will towards Christians. Being aware that thay worship God on the first day of the week- on Sunday, he imposed the governments  law of rest on Sundays in the cities                                     (Edict of Milan 331 A.D.).   

 It is good to notice that Constantine  did not impose the law of rest in the whole country but in the big cities only. Here are the words of the Emperor: “On the venerable Day of the Sun let the magistrates and people residing in cities rest, and let all workshops be closed.”                                                             It is false to suggest that the law of rest on Sunday was promulgated by Constantine for all people.                                     

Secondly there is not a single sentence which says that Constantine has changed the law of worship from Saturday to Sunday.                                       To claim,  Constantine has changed the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday is an evidence of lacking  fundamental knowledge regarding this matter.                                                                                                         Had the first Christians worshiped God on Saturday, (as SDAs members claim), Constantine would have promulgated the Edict with different words. He would have written: “On every Saturday let the magistrates and people residing in cities rest, and let all workshops be closed.”  He never did so because he knew that the Christians worshiped  the Resurrected Jesus on the first day of the week - on Sunday.

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