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 The number  666


       The number 666



It is very important to notice that Jesus has founded His only Church on Peter the Rock (Mt 16:18). His Church (the Church with the Pope - the Catholic Church) will be attacked by all kind of evil forces, but it will never be destroyed (Mt 16:19).

There is extrymely important statment in the Bible which shows that   Jesus and His Church  are ONE. Christ is the Head and the Church is His Body (Ep 1:23).

The SDA members often attack the Catholic Church, by using all kind of false accusations, false interpretations of the biblical texts.  You can find  them often preaching at the street corners  of Papua New Guinea.

 It must to be remminded, that  the SDA followers don’t believe in Jesus Christ  as a true God, equal with God the Father.  They don’t believe  in the Trinity either.                                                                                                                                      Because of the doctrines they  preach, it is obvius, they are  not Christians. They are simply one of the Jewish sects focusing on fighting  the Catholic Church.

In the Acts of the Apostles  there is a passage referring to Soul, one of the  Jewish leaders persecuting, the Church established by Christ Himself –  the Catholic Church.                                                                                                                              On his way do Damascus, meeting Jesus, Soul  felled to the ground. He heard a voice saying to him: Soul, Soul why are you persecuting MeWho are  you Lord, Soul asked, and got the answer: I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting (Ac 9:1-5).  Soul didn’t fight with Jesus Himself, he has been persecuting  Christians – the Catholics. Soul than understood: By persecuting  the followers of Christ – Catholics, he has been persecuting Christ Himself. Since than, Soul has changed his life and became a member of the Catholic Church – the Church run by Peter the first Pope.

Members of the Catholic Church, the ones who lived in Rome have been persecuted by Nero Caesar the emperor. The persecution continued by next pagan emperors.

 John the Apostle  (a Catholic  man)  in the Book of Revelation, which has been written for Catholics,  wrote about the beast with its number 666  (Rev 13:18).

In  Hebrew, the word ‘Nero Caesar’  is written  and pronounced  as Nervon  Quasar.

It is essential to know that  in  Hebrew alphabet each latter contains  a certain number as well. For example

the letter W holds the number 6,

the letter N holds the number 50,

the letter S holds the number 60,

the letter Q holds the number 100, and

the letter R holds the number 200.

All the numbers of  the name Nervon Quasar (Nero Cesar) added together 50+200+6+50+100+60+200  give the total number 666. 

So, it is the emperor Nero Cesar  to whom John the Apostle attributes  the evil number six hundred and sixty six.

The number 666 may refers as well to anybody  who continues  the Nero’s  evil work in persecuting Catholic Church, the Church founded by Jesus Himself, the Church which is the body of Christ (Col  1:18)



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